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How do we deliver STL files for 3d printing?

At Printable Scenery, we design our models to fit the specifications of most 3D Printers. Each model is delivered as a .zip file containing folders with multiple versions of our models. For example, we often provide a small printer cuts folder to fit on small print beds and a pre-supported resin cuts folder for models… Read more

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3D Printed Hagglethorn Hollow Pathways Age of Sigmar Dnd Dungeons and Dragons frostgrave mordheim tabletop games kings of war warhammer 9th age pathfinder rangers of shadowdeep

Painting Hagglethorn Hollow: Pathways and Bridge

The Hagglethorn Pathways and Bridge make excellent cobblestone pathways and roads for heaps of different fantasy settings. Based on Johnny Frazer-Allen’s artwork, our painting guide highlights the unique design in a few easy steps. It may look complicated at first, but you’ll find once you get into the swing of it, painting these are really… Read more

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Painting Hagglethorn Hollow: The Waymarkers

These characterful statues from the Hagglethorn Hollow Kickstarter provide excellent atmosphere to your gaming table and make great objectives for wargaming. We painted ours in six easy steps that will get them on the table and looking awesome in no time! Step 1) Undercoat in Army Painter Leather Brown Step 2) Drybrush with Army Painter… Read more

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