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We have unlocked 28 models to add the bundles – City Foundations work in progress

We have unlocked another stretch goal today, the city in expansion. This will give you an alternate City Inn simply by swapping around the two lower floors and printing a few extra parts. Next week, we will be showcasing the OpenLOCK City Foundations. These will be an extensive OpenLOCK set. The City Foundations will include… Read more

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26 more models have now been added to the bundles – 15 models available for download

Ahoy, me hearties! Listen up, for I bring ye news of treasure aplenty! We’ve unlocked 26 models, with 724 customers already sailin’ the seas of fortune. The first 15 models will be ready for plunderin’ with the click of a button. But wait, there be more! Tombstones, Ali peddler stalls, and treacherous shackle rocks have… Read more

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Ramshackle Rocks STL

23 Models Unlocked – Preview for Monday’s Release

646 customers have joined us on this journey so far, and as promised, we’re delivering big! 🚀 Because of your enthusiasm, we’re thrilled to announce that we’ve unlocked 23 free downloadable models! That’s 23 additions to the bundles. Our first set of free models is primed and ready for download—mark your calendars for Monday because… Read more

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We have reached 500 customers in two days and have unlocked 17 free models

Thanks to you guys, we have unlocked more models. These should now be visible as coming soon models Ive also added a new tab in the Campaign Menu so you can easily see which models are now in your bundle. We are working on the coming soon models at the moment and should be able… Read more

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The Gloaming Swamps 3D Printer Model Painting Guides

All of the 3D printer models from the Gloaming Swamps and Wilderness Kickstarter are now available to download and print. Throughout the campaign, we have been creating painting panels for each 3D printer model as it became available. We are pleased to present them all to you here in one place, along with a few… Read more

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