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3D Printed Arcane Brush Painting Competition Age of Sigmar Dnd Dungeons and Dragons frostgrave mordheim tabletop games kings of war warhammer 9th age pathfinder rangers of shadowdeep

The Arcane Brush Painting Competition 2021

Immortalize your 3D prints in Printable Scenery’s Arcane Brush Competition 

The first annual Printable Scenery Arcane Brush Print and Paint Competition is now on! Have your entry immortalized in our ‘Arcane Immortals’ gallery with prizes awarded for First, Second, and Third place.

Your entry can be any Printable Scenery model that you’ve painted, past or present, and can feature as many of our models as you like in it.

First Place will receive a personalized trophy and a brand-new Flashforge Foto 8.9 Resin Printer.

Second Place will receive a personalized trophy and a coupon to use on the Flashforge website.

Third Place will also receive a personalized trophy and a coupon to use on the Flashforge website.


Matt Barker, Designer/Producer (Printable Scenery Founder)

Johnny Frazer Allen Concept Artist/Sculptor (ex Weta)

Mike Los Painter/Photographer (ex Games Workshop)

Submit your entry to [email protected] with up to four images 2000px X 2000px each by Friday November 26th.

Read below for entry conditions:


Entry into the painting competition is free.

You may enter the competition once per person.

Printable Scenery staff cannot enter the competition.

Entries must be models from Printable Scenery (any model that can be purchased from, excepting materials used for decoration (eg flock, grass tufts, turf etc). If in doubt send an inquiry to us and we’ll be quick to get back to you.

It can be from any of our product ranges past and present and can contain more than one of our models if you choose. Your entry can be something you’ve painted previously, or be done new for this competition.

The entry must be owned and painted by the person entering it into the competition.

If chosen as a winning entry we will contact you to get a postal address for the prizes to be sent to.

All entrants will have their photos immortalized in a gallery on our website, and the winners will have their entries added to the website page for the model they have entered.


You can submit your entry via email to [email protected] with the subject title: Your Name Arcane Brush Entry

Entries must be submitted by Friday the 26th November, 12:00pm UTC. Winners will be announced the following Friday, 3rd of December.

For a valid entry, you must submit no more than four photos of your entry in square aspect ratio at 2000px X 2000px

Printable Scenery retains the right to redistribute the submitted entry photos.

Time to get painting!

If you’re looking for tips, ideas and want to share them check out our knowledgebase and forums

Check out our review of the Flashforge Foto 8.9 here

If you have any questions or queries regarding this competition leave a comment below or get in touch at [email protected]

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