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Painting Shadowfey: Blood Trees

Follow this guide to paint your gruesome Blood Trees the same way as ours!

We’ve painted ours using a mix of Citadel Colours and The Army Painter colour range.

The main technique used is Drybrushing which you can find a guide for here.

Step 1) Undercoat with Chaotic Red Spray then drybrush the wood with Leather Brown, Zandri Dust and finally Rakarth Flesh.

Step 2) Basecoat the flesh of the bodies with Cadian Fleshtone, and the Bones with Ushabti Bone before washing them all with Athonian Camoshade or Military Shader. Once dry the flesh was highlighted with Kislev Flesh and bones with Screaming Skull.

Step 3) Time to put the blood into the Blood Trees!

Using a 70/30 mix of Blood For the Blood God and Flesh Tearers Red, apply blood to the crevasses of the Tree Trunks and anywhere else you feel is appropriate. We wanted the trees to look like they’ve sucked all the blood out of the corpses and are bulging full of blood with it seeping out. Remember you can always add more but you can’t take it off once it’s on!

We hope you enjoyed this guide and feel inspired to give it a go yourself!

Any feedback is always welcome

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