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Daemon Ossiary

The Daemon Ossiary is a wide building with several ruined floor levels, allowing several units to use it to gain advantage over the units trying to assualt the ossiaries walls.

You can download a copy of the assembly guide here for your own refrence.

NumberProductFile NameQuantity
1Demon Flying ButtressGothic Buttress L Demon4
2Demon WindowA1 Gothic Demon Window16
3Demon DoorQ GothicDemon Doorway Q Gothic Demon Door A Q Gothic Demon Door B1 1 1
4Cathedral Floor OptionsE Gothic Floor 122
5Rustic Stone and Wood StairsS Full Schist Wood Stair2
6Rustic Stone and Wood Stairs Schist WallsS Full Schist Wood Stair I Wall Column Schist2 4
7Clip CapsA Wall Schist Clip Caps Horizontal3

Use the Clip Caps to hide the OpenLOCK ports on the NO#6 Raised Stairs. You will have to glue the stairs to the top of the Columns to hold it in place.

NumberProductFile NameQuantity
1Demon ColumnColumn L Demon B5
2Demon WindowA1 Gothic Demon Window7
3Demon RuinsAR1 Gothic Demon Window4
4Demon RuinsAR1 Gothic Demon Window (MIR)1
5Demon RuinsAR3 Gothic Demon Window3
6Demon RuinsAR1 Gothic Demon Window (MIR)1
7Demon RuinsAR3 Gothic Demon Window (MIR)2
8Demon Rose WindowQ Gothic Demon Rosetta1
9Demon RuinsAR2 Gothic Ruins1
10Cathedral RuinsER1 Gothic Floor 14
11Cathedral Floor OptionsE Gothic Floor 118
12Clip CapsA Wall Schist Clip Caps Horizontal6

Use the Clip Caps to hide the OpenLOCK ports on the open E tiles next to the Stairs. Any pieces marked as (MIR) has been mirrored using the function in the slicer. You can find a piece on how to achieve this here:

NumberProductFile NameQuantity
1Demon RuinsAR 2 Demon Wall Low3
2Demon RuinsAR1 Demon Wall Low B1
3Demon WallsAR1 Demon Wall Low B2
4Demon ColumnsColumn L Demon Low1
5Demon RuinsAR2 Demon Wall Low (MIR)1
6Demon RuinsAR2 Demon Wall Low B2
7Cathedral Floor OptionsE Gothic Floor 13
8Cathedral RuinsER1 Gothic Floor 13
9Cathedral RuinsAR3-FR2 Gothic Floor 12
10Cathedral RuinsER2 Gothic Floor 12

Any pieces marked as (MIR) has been mirrored using the function in the slicer. You can find a piece on how to achieve this here:

2 thoughts on “Daemon Ossiary

  1. Hello,

    I am currently building this bit notice, it’s missing the second flooring. Can you please provide me the planning for that as well.

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