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3d printed Swamp Dragon and Prisoners

More downloads are ready, and the Swamp Dragon & Prisoners add-on has been released.

Fantastic news, we have 1075 so far customers, and as a result, we’ve unlocked even more free models for you guys!

We also have the next release of files available for download, which you can find by clicking on the ‘models’ tab. You can add them to your cart and download them right away. 

Today, we launched a new bundle called “The Swamp Dragon Awakes.” This bundle includes a corpse cart, prisoners, and the awakened swamp dragon from the glowing campaign. Many people have requested this swamp dragon, and we have finally made it happen! The dragon comes in three different poses, making it a great Terrorgheist proxy. The Prisoners make great objective markers for any wargame and the corpse cart mainly contains dead people.

3d Printed Swamp Dragon Awakes

Thank you for helping us create these awesome models. It has been way more successful than we could have imagined.

I’m about to upload even more stretch goals now 🙂

Matt and the team at Printable Scenery

2 thoughts on “More downloads are ready, and the Swamp Dragon & Prisoners add-on has been released.

  1. I must admit, I was really excited when I saw this update because you state that there are 1175 customers and that would be a bunch of new stretch goals overnight…. I think that is a typo, however, as the count as I see it on the website, is currently 1098. I sure we will get to that number, just not there yet.

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