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3D printer, Creality Slicer 4.8.2, Ender settings, Prusa Slicer, Ultimaker Cura settings,

FDM printer settings for Ender 5 3D printer

Here you can find the slicer settings we use for our office Ender 5’s, using the Creality Slicer 4.8.2. All features highlighted here are available in other slicers.

In general, the only difference between machines will be the printing speed & build volume. If you select your preferred machine in the slicer, the print speed will be set to the machine’s specifications. You can then modify the other settings to your liking.

Note: If you do have issues, it is best to go directly to the manufacturer for help. For problems with Creality, the Creality Forums are a good place to start.

Creality 4.8 Ender 5 Settings

When first loading in Creality Slicer 4.8.2, only the basics will be available in the Print Settings dropdown menu to the right of the build plate. To add additional settings, you can find Configure Creality in the Preferences menu. The following additional settings are recommended:

  • Enable Ironing
  • Z Hop When Retracted
  • Use Adaptive Layers
  • Adaptive Layers Maximum Variation
  • Adaptive Layers Topography Size
  • Enable Bridge Settings

Not every slicer software will have the configured menu in the same place. You may need to check all the menus to find where it has been hidden for your specific slicer.

The following settings are tailored to a printer with a 0.4mm nozzle extruding PLA filament. When using other specialist filaments, you will want to change the printing temperature to the recommended level.

Main Printer Settings

  • Layer height: 0.2mm
  • Initial layer height: 0.2mm
  • Wall thickness: 0.8 mm
  • Wall Line Count: 2
  • Infill Density: 10%
  • Infill pattern: Cubic

These settings will provide the right balance between print detail, filament usage, and print times.

Printing Temperature

  • Printing Temperature 210 degrees
  • Build plate temperature 50 degrees

If there is likely to be cool air blowing around the build plate, you may want to increase the recommended build plate temperature to 60 Degrees to help prevent the base layers from curling.

Travel and support settings

  • Enable Retractions
  • Retraction Distance 5.0
  • Retraction Speed 45mm/s
  • Z Hop When Retracting
  • No supports (unless otherwise stated)

Enabling retractions will minimize small nodules of plastic forming as the nozzle moves between layers. The nozzle will also be lifted when traveling with Z Hop enabled, making it far less likely to knock into sections of the model as it is built.

Depending on the design you may or may not want to enable support. The vast majority of Printable Scenery files print support-free, but where this is not possible it will be noted.

Experimental Settings

  • Make Overhangs Printable
  • Use Adaptive Layering
  • Maximum Variation 0.04mm
  • Topography size 0.1mm
  • Enable Bridge Settings
  • Minimum bridge wall length 1.0mm

Adaptive Layering changes the layer height of the print when creating curved surfaces to smooth the transition between layers. Bridging changes, the cooling settings when printing in an open space between two sections, allowing it to print with minimal sagging. Make overhangs Printable modifies the bottom of overhangs to minimize spaghettification. Note that not all slicers will have these settings labeled under experimental and may have them built into the main program.

48 thoughts on “FDM printer settings for Ender 5 3D printer

  1. I’m having issues pulling this into CURA. I keep getting an error “Could not find a quality type standard for the current configuration”. Am I the only one?

      1. If anyone else has this problem, following the link above did lead me to the answer. If you go to the bottom of the thread it talks about installing a “Legacy Profile” from Fat Dragon Games. This seemed to resolve the issue.

        Thanks Sam!

  2. Using this on my Ender 3 Pro. I have to say after using other profiles this gives an overall standard that is very nice! Thanks for giving specific support for the Ender.

  3. Hey Guys,

    After a long time, I’m finally able to get into printing again, in the meantime I’ve got a new computer so I had to install Cura again.

    So I’m in Cura 4.4.1. I’ve imported the print settings file from here.
    I want to print a Tudor wall. It’s estimated print time is 3 hours and 24 minutes.

    I remember that previously it took be about an hour to print. Of course, I had fine tuned everything, but I don’t think it takes you 3 and a half hours to print one wall.

    I have the exact print settings file that is posted on here. Any idea how can it give me such a strange estimate?

    1. It usually takes about 2 hours to print a basic wall and goes out from there. You can turn adaptive layering off but with this profile it’s more attuned to quality than speed.

      1. Sam, you are eternally my 3d printing hero, thanks for the fast reply as always!
        It´s so weird, I’m slicing ‘A-Wall-Tudor-v0.2’ with exactly your profile, yet I still get an estimated print time of 3 hours and 24 minutes.

        I really have not changed any settings and just downloaded Cura yesterday.
        I cannot imagine any reason why the same program with the same settings gets another estimate for the print time.

  4. Thank you for this! It does seem very hot (the nozzle temperature), which might lead to stringing with the PLA I use (Overture 1.75). Which PLA do you use?

  5. Hi,
    I’ve just bought an ender3 v2 to print the Shadow Fey Kickstarter the problem is I like others cannot get the Cura settings to import.
    I have tried everything mentioned above plus other forums to get a solution but it still will not work.
    Could someone help me please or even try putting up some screen shots of the settings?
    Thank you any help would be greatly appreciated!

    1. How’s the printing on the new profile? I’m trying to print out the Feywild Cottage and I’m getting some failure on the branches. How’s the profile coping with small details like this? Thanks.

    1. Hi Obiwan,

      It doesnt appear so, in the office we use the Ender 5 Pro and Prusa I3 Mk3. Let us know your findings and we’ll share them with others!

  6. Hello,
    I would like to purchase a 3D printer. I am totally inexperienced at 3D printing and I am non-tech savvy. I am considering to purchase one of the following from Amazon: Creality Ender 3 ($189), Creality Ender 3 Pro ($236) or Creality Ender 3 V2 ($279). Could someone make a suggestion given my inexperience and lack of tech savvy?
    Thank You Very Much,

  7. Hello,
    I have a Creality Ender 3 Pro. I use the Creality Ender 3 Cura 4.4.1 Settings, which work great. Unfortunately, many of the stalagmites of the Goblin Grotto have broken off. I was told that PLA+ is stronger then regular PLA. Does anyone have an opinion on PLA+ and more importantly, does anyone have any recommendations on how to change the settings on the Creality Ender 3 Cura 4.4.1 Settings for PLA+?

    1. I have not tried PLA+ yet on these printers, but one of the major things I have seen is that you need to increase the printing temperature a bit, generally to 200 degrees or so. A lot of the sites seem to suggest to treat it a bit more like ABS filament.

      1. Thanks for getting back to me so soon Nicholas, but I’m using the Creality Ender 3 Cura 4.4.1 Settings which already has a Printing Temperature of 210°C and an initial layer printing temperature of 235°C, which are both already higher then 200°C. Do you recommend that I should increase both numbers? Thanks again.

        1. I would say do a test tower, and see how it comes out. If it looks like the temperature is a little low then increase it, but its always best not to push the machine too high so as to not burn out any of the systems.

  8. I am completely new to 3d printing: bought Ender 3 v2 Neo printer and filled the above settings into their Creality Print. Could it be correct that printing the Small Round House takes almost 14 hours?

  9. Hello,
    i tried with many settings, i change some piece and now i think my profile is false. It’s possible for you to offer to dowload your Cura profile for Ender 3 ?
    Thank you for all your work !

    1. Hi Cyril,
      Here are some default settings for you to try:
      Layer Height: 0.2mm
      Infill: 10%
      Infill Pattern: Cubic
      Printing Temperature: 200
      Build Plate Temperature: 60
      Print Speed: 80
      Enable Retraction 
      Build Plate Adhesion: Brim

      That said, some printer settings depend on factors unique to your setup; outside temperature, the brand of filament, the STL you are printing.
      A big improvement to my prints was by putting my printer in an enclosed space to regulate outside temperature and humidity.

      Try and those settings and see how you go. From there it will just be minor tweaks 🙂

  10. Just wanted to share my findings as a novice 3D-print hobbyist. I’m using Cura (5.7.1) on my Ender S1 and noticed that the 1st floor from ‘Winterdale Tavern’ didn’t have the alignment holes. Turned out the experimental setting ‘Make Overhangs Printable’ in Cura modified the model a bit too much. Only noticed those model changes once I checked the .gcode against the .stl. Prints are successful without that experimental setting.

      1. I think Cura changed the model too much because of the default model angle (50 deg) and overhang hole area (0.0mm2). Recent prints all turned out perfectly fine with the setting turned off.

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