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Painting Guide: Gloomwood Trees

Below is a painting guide, explaining the steps taken to paint the Gloomwood Trees

The models were initially primed with army Painter Leather Brown primer.


This is the scheme used on all the stone underneath the roots.

  1. Full Layer: Army Painter Leather Brown.
  2. Dry Brush: Army Painter Arid Earth.

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This is the scheme used on all the branches and trunks.

  1. Heavy Drybrush: Vallejo Burnt Umber.
  2. Highlight: Vallejo Khaki.

Polypores (tree fungus)

This is the scheme to paint the red polypores

  1. Layer: Army Painter Mars Red.
  2. Highlight: Army Painter Desert Yellow.
  3. Underside drybrush: Army Painter Arid Earth.

This is the scheme to paint the white polypores.

  1. Layer: Army Painter Leather Brown.
  2. Heavy drybrush: Army Painter Arid Earth.
  3. Light wash: Army Painter Sepia Shade.
  4. Light drybrush: Army Painter Arid Earth.

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