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Port Tavern

(15 customer reviews)


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The Port Tavern is a medieval styled building that can be used for role-playing or tabletop war games of a fantasy or historical setting.

Featuring multilevel and removable roofs and floors, it has plenty of room and allows for excellent miniature placement.

It prints without supports as separate levels. An option with smaller parts for small printers is also included.


This product is part of the Port Winterdale. Please log in if you backed the campaign.

This product is delivered as a .ZIP file pack containing 3d printer files (STL files) for use on a home 3D Printer.


The best adventures start in a warm tavern, cloaked in the smell of roasted boar and good ale, combined with the din of music and merriment.


  • 14 September 2018 (version 1.2) Scale of Lamp corrected.
  • 26 September 2018 (version 1.3) Adjusts made to Lv2 and Corridor floor for better alignment.
  • 7 November 2019 (version 1.4) Solid Version added.
  • 25 June 2021 (version 1.5) Fireplace option added. Includes option to have fire oven on Level 1 or 2.


  • Right-click on the image below and “Save As” to download the reference sheet for this pack.
  • Product measurements can be found in the image gallery.

Reference sheet for medium printers


Reference sheet for small printers


Reference Sheet for Solid version

Additional information




Prints without Supports

Layer Height

.2 for Normal Quality .1 for High Quality (.2 Layer height is recommended)

15 questions for Port Tavern

  1. ghettobob (verified owner)

    What should I use as a hinge for the doors or is there a part I am not seeing in the file list?

    • Sam Campbell (verified owner)

      You can use filament or wire to slide through the hingehole. We usually use filament.

  2. balltanders (verified owner)

    Am I crazy or is the lamp the wrong scale?

    • Sam Campbell (verified owner)

      We increased the size in the file, can you re-download the file.

  3. sfurnival (verified owner)

    The spots on the upper deck don’t seem to line up with the doorways correctly, they’re off by about 5mm for both doorways. This is noticeable even in the pictures shown here of your prints. Could we get that corrected?

    • Jo Boorer

      We are currently looking into this.

  4. kagbb (verified owner)

    would there be any chance of an option with an internal staircase? Please?

  5. bernardhny (verified owner)

    The roof does not require supports? Nothing on this print needs supports?

    • Sam Campbell (verified owner)

      Yes, the roof and all parts print fine without supports.

  6. Slmait86 (verified owner)

    I noticed that in the picture of the model together the Corridor Base is flipped, from the picture of the model rendering. I believe based on how the model is designed to go together. The picture showing the model put together is incorrect

    • Matt Barker

      Thanks, Slmait86, Ill look at this today

  7. quithanire (verified owner)

    Do you have a version with internal fireplaces to match the chimneys?

    • Sam Campbell (verified owner)

      We have added it for development queue.

  8. quithanire (verified owner)

    The top level corridor has spots underneath for alignment pins but there are no corresponding holes on the ground level corridor. Not a big deal but something to look at.

    • Sam Campbell (verified owner)

      They are printed upside down. the filament holes are located on the other side.

  9. quithanire (verified owner)

    Duh, your right. Looking at it I thought the rail was on the bottom. Sorry

  10. yan_426hemi_srt

    Does anybody know how much the whole projects weight ? Just trying to prepare the money to get it printed.

    • Sam Campbell (verified owner)

      The Port tavern weighs approximately 500g printed at 0.2 resolution and 10% infill.

  11. yan_426hemi_srt

    Thx for your quick reply, but im wondering about something, in the additional section it mentions it is better to do it with a 20% infill and in your comment you put 10%. Which one is better and/or what difference will it make ?

    Thanks again for your time

    • Sam Campbell (verified owner)

      It should be 10% infill, this is our recommended default. I’ve changed it in the additional information now.

  12. Kayo de Bakker (verified owner)

    Hi I was wondering why the corridor spots on the base and floor are there and not like the roofs and levels where there are corresponding pieces that insert into each other. Wouldn’t that be more logical?

    Also what would you recommend as how to combine them? So far I either used filament or iron wire when it comes to the wooden stairs and the doors.

    Thanks for the amazing works guys!

    • Nicholas Jebson

      Hey Kayo, it is all because of the way that it has to print with the legs upside-down on the buildplate, so we couldn’t set up any top locking pins like we have linking the corridor floor and the roof. We use sections of left over 1.75mm filament to create any pins that we require.

  13. duckpondproductions (verified owner)

    What is the best method to attach the corridor base to the corridor walkway? i see holes to stick filament in, but they arent wide enough for the 1.75 filament that usuallly fits through the door hinges.

    • Nicholas Jebson

      They should be sized for 1.75mm filament. As they print upside down they might have had a little bit of overflow into them so taking a small drill and cleaning them out might be needed. Otherwise unfolded paperclips work well as pins too.

  14. David Ortiz (verified owner)

    A fantastic product. Perfectly scaled.

  15. Jim Buszkiewicz (verified owner)

    Has anyone successfully printed the roof without supports? I know it was said they are not needed but I get layer separation just above the initial square piece which attaches to the second floor. It appears the inner square raises after it is printed. I have had no other issues with the build.

    • Jo Boorer (verified owner)

      The best way to print this would be to print with a raft as it sounds like it does not adhere to the build plate. Supports are not needed.

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