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The Chapel


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The Chapel is a fantasy-styled building designed for tabletop wargames and role-playing games. Its file size is set to 28mm but it can be scaled to 15mm.

This product is part of the Winterdale Complete. Please log in if you backed the campaign.

This product is delivered as a .ZIP file pack containing 3d printer files (STL files) for use on a home 3D Printer.


Though smaller than the splendid Gothic cathedrals, chapels still retain the distinctive style of Gothic architecture.



  • 19 June 2018 (version 5.7) Crosses can now be printed separately.
  • 30 January 2019 (version 5.8) Locking pins have been added and filament door connection.


  • Reference for the small printer included in the zip file.
  • Right-click on the image below and “Save As” to download the reference sheet for this pack.
  • Product measurements can be found in the image gallery.

Additional information



Layer Height

.2 for Normal Quality .1 for High Quality (.2 Layer height is recommended)


Prints without Supports

5 questions for The Chapel

  1. Nigel Guest (verified owner)

    Matt tried emailing you! there does not appear to be any floor tiles when you download the chapel can you confirm and fix thanks Nige.

    • Matthew Barker (verified owner)

      Hi, I have updated the file pack and now it contains the floor tiles

  2. ahellyer

    HI, how high is each section. I am about to get a printer with 10cm maximum print height. Thanks, Andrew

    • Matthew Barker (verified owner)

      All the models have been cut to fit inside a 100 x 100 x 100 build volume. so you can print out the parts. If I was you I would get a bigger print bed like the Prusa i3 Mk2 then you can print out the models in 1 hit

  3. thomas.heider (verified owner)

    Hi! Is it possible the get the crosses extra in a file? I’ve printed this and some are came out really bad. But I can’t replace them.

    • Matt Barker (verified owner)

      Hi, do you mean the crosses on the top of the chapel?

  4. barry (verified owner)

    I’m having the same issue as Thomas Heider.

    It’s the small crosses on the sides that are problematic. I think there are two different sizes, the smaller ones are a bit lower and the higher crosses are slightly larger. I’ve printed this a few times now and these crosses just aren’t printing well. A few of the lower ones turned out okay but the higher ones are all messed up.

    It’s mainly the circle around the cross that misprints; it’s just too thin and has too steep an angle so the next layer doesn’t stick and gets dragged about by the print head messing up whatever else prints next. There’s no good place to put a support since the topology below are pointed, toothy protrusions.

    If you could make files of just these two sizes of crosses, perhaps a little beefier, maybe I could print some that would work to glue in the place of the ones that just don’t seem to want to print.

    • Jo Boorer

      The Chapel has been updated to allow for the crosses to be printed separately.

  5. miketheface (verified owner)

    When printing the crosses separately, how many should be printed for each size?

    • Sam Campbell

      1 large, 4 medium, and 18 Small crosses.

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