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Inn of the Welcome Wench

  • Author
    • #238351
      Brian Etty

      So I am wrapping up the Inn of the Welcome Wench on the Roof printing now and I am about a third through. I am seriously concerned on the portion that juts out. I have its roof and what should be the connecting roofs but if I align the smaller section over the Corbel overhangs it does not cover the entire smaller section. there is a small gap. When I add the connecting section of the main building aligned to the overhanging with the corbels and there is a half-inch gap.

      I included a picture.

      Unless I leave the corbels sticking out of the side of the smaller section or somehow the rest of the roof pushes to go beyond its corbels I will need to reconfigure the smaller areas roof.

      • This topic was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by Brian Etty. Reason: side view
      • This topic was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by Brian Etty. Reason: side view
    • #263073

      I am still printing this one. Did you ever figure it out?

    • #280409
      Brian Etty

      I was able to add in a single row of the slimmer roof tiles to compensate and it worked out very well. Can’t remember the actual tile designation,. I am still trying to figure out how I am going to paint it all lols.

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