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Ender 3 Profiles


  • Author
    • #135791
      Josh Hardman

      Hi all, I’m wondering what profiles people are using when printing Printable Scenery on the Ender 3. I’ve printed a few pieces of the Dwarf Ramparts on a couple of different profiles and had some fairly good results, but it never seems as good as prints other people make. I just want to check that I’m getting the best quality/time ratio I can.

      • This topic was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by Matt Barker.
    • #136300

      I’ve been using Fat Dragons terrain profile. Seems to be working great so far.

    • #136357


    • #136895

      Sorry I wasn’t getting notifications of replies. I download it from the Dragonlock & Dragonbite facebook group files.

      I’m curious what others are using as well. I’ve noticed it is failing on certain items, usually the handrails. It will print out 75% no problem, and fail on the last bit. Everything else on the print looks great though.

      Does Printable Scenery have a special profile for the Ender 3? I would think they would have one there for testing items.

      • This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by elmortero.
    • #138134

      Handrails and Balustrades are a particular bugbear for me also. I have had some better success with using the “extra wall every alternate layer” setting in Cura… but still have one or more break off or print crooked.

    • #142548

      The main problem that I am having, and this is true for almost any print, is like on the tiles for the rooves, on the first layer of overhang on the shingle, there are little greeblies because there is nothing for the filament to be supported on, are there any ways to limit these? I am attaching a photo of what I am talking about.

    • #142760

      @jfantonovitch, I’ve noticed the same issue on my prints, on the underside of objects that aren’t supported. I haven’t figured out a fix yet, but if anyone has suggestions I’m happy to try them and report back.

      I’ve attached an image of what it looks like- this is with the model turned upside down.

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