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Clorehaven Trial – Layer Split (Ender 3)

  • Author
    • #278312
      Chris Emmett

      I’ve just got an Ender 3 to print the Shadowfey models and have been testing it out on the Clorehaven Trial house first.

      I’ve managed to print all of the roof except the centre bits: S-Roof-Narrow-High.

      I’m using the Cura profile uploaded here, but the layers seem to be separating, especially around the OpenLOCK clip slots.

      Any help to resolve this would be greatly appreciated.

      edit: Oh, and I stopped the half printed one as I could see it was seperating againg.


      • This topic was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by Chris Emmett.
      • This topic was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by Nicholas Jebson.
    • #278479
      Chris Emmett

      I’ve just printed A-Wall-Schist-v0.2 and it came out perfectly :/

      Could it be the 10% infill cuasing issues? it looks like it’s failing along the infill sections between the openLock clip holes.

    • #278770
      Chris Emmett

      in the meantime I’ve managed to print all these fine:

      6 x Schist Walls A-Wall-Schist
      3 x Schist Walls A-Window-Schist
      1 x Schist Walls A-SchistDoor
      1 x Schist Walls A-SchistDoor-Beam
      1 x Schist Walls A-Door-SchistDoor-v0.1

      I’m thinking it’s definitely down to the infill.

      Printing again with 20% infill it failed at one of the hollow points again got the attached imaged.
      The top section seemed to float above the rest – this is a section with just the outer wall and infill.

      I snapped the bit above the second set of openLock holes to see inside (although it was already splitting slightly in one corner).

      I’m upping the infil line width to 0.6 and bumping up the temperature to 215 to see if that makes an improvement.

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