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Update to Webpage – Terrain Tinker Compatible

  • Author
    • #310622
      MAD DM2020

      It would be, very beneficial, for purchasers to have some way to recognize what Terrain is currently compatible and/or is read by Terrain Tinker automatically.
      Perhaps the small T symbol on the individual items, bundles, and pledges could be displayed to signify this.

      • This topic was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by MAD DM2020.
    • #310644
      Mike Los

      Your accounts should be linked so that if you have something on your Terrain Tinker account it’ll be available on the Printable Scenery website. I can definitely your suggestion being useful for people to know that a certain range is on Terrain Tinker too. I’ll bring it up with the team next time we meet.

      Thanks for your suggestion!

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