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The Printable Scenery Ships float in real water

  • Author
    • #140125
      Matt Barker

      Someone asked if the ships float in real water. even though they do not have a keel.

      last year one of our backers did a test… and here is the result

      you can read more here…

      Fantastic new 3D-printed pirate ships!

      —-Flat bottom boats make the pirate world go round —-

      • This topic was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by Matt Barker.
      • This topic was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by Matt Barker.
    • #140209

      would it be posable to make a keel for it with enough space inside so it could be motorized? maybe even just enough room for something as simple as one of those rubberband motor things you used to make as a kid, you can make some pretty heavy duty ones too from memory.

      • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by menzala83.
      • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by menzala83.
    • #142214
      Matt Barker

      Yes, that’s something we could look at in the future for sure

    • #175551

      How did you do the sails? Recommendation for materials? Would love to see a close-up pic.

    • #215644
      Anthony Tanner

      I agree. Sails would be great. Or maybe rolled up sails to attach to the mast.

    • #215974
      Nicholas Jebson

      I think the origional painter just used tissue paper for his sails, though i have just sent him a private message to enquire and see if we can get some close ups.

    • #226833
      Nicholas Jebson

      Roly has got back to me. he went down and just got a plain handkerchief, as they tend to be silk so thin but strong, and used that to make the sails

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