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Thank you so much

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    • #272411

      What great models you made, how good do they print!

      I added some pictures of the tower of insanity (maybe not the best option as first model to start printing :-$) and the rickety lodgings.

      At this moment I’m printing and painting the ruined bridge spans with a great table set-up in mind for my next AOS game.

      (Maybe it would be nice to have some parts of the bridge that are not ruined to mix with the ruined parts…!?)

      I’m sure I will be printing a lot more senery in the future, thanks again!


      • This topic was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by Fedor.
    • #272909
      Nicholas Jebson

      Man, they look epic! love the additional work you did there with the ivy running up the side of the tower.

    • #298189

      This looks fantastic, great job! Is this printed at 100%?

    • #307139
      Monique Hammond

      Nice paint job!
      I’ve printed my tower at 2/3 size to fit more closely with an HO gauge rail layout.
      Unfortunately the door frames on level 1 broke off during printing.
      Everything else for the other levels printed ok however.
      I’ll need to cut out the frames in Blender and print them laying down and try to retrofit them.
      Even at 2/3 size its a big model.

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