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[Kickstarter] CastleLock – The extension for The Lost Corridors

  • Author
    • #313328
      Dungeons Factory

      Good morning, everyone.
      After our first crowdfunding project, “The Lost Corridors”, launched in December 2019, we are very pleased to present its extension, The Lost Corridors – CastleLock.
      It should start almost exactly two years after “The Lost Corridors Genesis” launched on Kickstarter. We will also launch it on this platform.

      Two years is also the length of the journey taken by the Dungeons Factory, the small now official brand of our small team of…two or three.
      Two years during which, after the innate success of our first set pack, we looked in other directions, to finally return to our path.

      The tiles are still compatible and under OpenLock License, but you will discover two great novelties.
      First of all, the redesign of the “Doors” system which allows to print only one wall and full of different doors.
      But also the new PropClips, to modify on the fly the contents of shelves, wardrobe, library or objects placed on a table as well as many other accessories.

      The look of the sets has also been modified.
      Finished the uniform tiles, we have different textures, smooth, rocky and wood with its hollowed veins.
      And to finish presenting the project, know that this Kickstarter will offer in its last stage, a return on more than 20 tiles of the first series. The nicest, of course.
      There are also plenty of other surprises, including alternative versions of the sets, one that is more eco-friendly and easier to carry or a version with walls at half height, particularly useful for table games.

      To be as honest as possible, we admit that we need support.
      Of your support.
      That is why we are calling on you.

      These past two years have allowed us to work and refine our creations and we know that the commitment we have made will allow us to sustain our collections.
      This gives you the assurance that the sets of Dungeons factory will not be abandoned and will continue to evolve.

      Also, if you decide to follow us again in this adventure, we will meet you on KickStarter in a couple of weeks.
      You will discover “The Lost Corridors – CastleLock” and more than 70 new original decor tiles.

      Even if you don’t want to participate, your follow-up, feedback or sharing will help our visibility.
      We have also created low-cost levels for those who engage.
      The most collectors among you will be able to have the complete collection integrating the best of the first project, all the bearings of CastleLock as well as a scenario designed for the tiles of the first pack.

      So, thank you in advance for your attention to our small team and while waiting for the launch, the address of the preview page is below (and should be completed within the week):
      Preview page

      • This topic was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by Dungeons Factory.
    • #318918
      Dungeons Factory

      It’s now official, The Lost Corridors CastleLock will launch on the crowdfunding platform Kickstarter on Saturday, January 1, 2022.

      In order to better present the content of this extension, we will detail it today through several special folders that you will find every week on our official website.

      Each case will lift the veil on many details of the offers offered in the CastleLock Kickstarter.

      In addition, the pre-launch page of the CastleLock project is already accessible at this address:
      and if you want to help us get more visibility without even committing, you can click on the little green “notify me of launch” button.

      We will be eternally grateful.

      See you soon for more information and in the meantime, let the adventure continue!

      • This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by Dungeons Factory.
    • #318921
      Dungeons Factory

      It’s now official, The Lost Corridors CastleLock will launch on the crowdfunding platform Kickstarter on Saturday, January 1, 2022.

      In order to better present the content of this extension, we will detail it today through several special folders that you will find every week on our official website.

    • #319855
      Dungeons Factory

      Hello there!
      Want to learn more about the CastleLock expansion?
      A special file on our 3d printable dungeon tiles for role-playing games, miniature games and board games opens on our official website.

      • This reply was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by Matt Barker.
    • #320041
      Dungeons Factory

      Hey! Good morning!

      Only three more days to wait before the launch of The Lost Corridors CastleLock.


      Indeed our range of 3d decorations to print for role-playing games and board games will be expanding from this Saturday, January 1, 2022.

      Four packs including a Collector of nearly 150 pieces, brand new tiles, new assembly systems, accessories, modular doors, everything you need to build dungeons on several levels, all this finally available in us supporting on the Kickstarter platform.

      We hope you enjoy CastleLock as much as we enjoyed making it.

      Three more days during which you can still support us without obligation, by simply subscribing to the pre-launch page.

      And from this Saturday, we give you an appointment to open the doors of the castle.

      So, if you support the small French team of Dungeons Factory in their new project, the Troll will be happy, be sure!

      • This reply was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by Dungeons Factory.
    • #320134
      Dungeons Factory

      The Troll, the Gnomes and all the rest of the team will meet you tomorrow.
      Be well, be careful and have a good holiday season.

      happy ne

      • This reply was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by Dungeons Factory.
    • #320187
      Dungeons Factory

      The Troll, the Gnomes, and the rest of the team wish their new creation good luck:
      The Lost Corridors Castlelock.

      We are counting on you to support us, as you wish or as you can.
      Make some noise, warn the prankster goblins or get involved in this new adventure in the Dungeons Factory.
      And above all, we wish you a very happy new year.

    • #320412
      Dungeons Factory

      Hello everyone.
      We hope you had a good weekend.
      On this third day of presence on Kickstarter, we would first of all like to thank all those who have signed up for their trust.
      Thanks to them, we arrived at the goal we set.
      But we still have a lot of days left and we will not really know the outcome of this adventure until January 31, 2022.
      In the meantime we have something to do.
      We have already worked to verify all the parts in STL format of all the packs.
      All participants in the collector’s offer will have a wide choice.

      So in the meantime, we wish you a very good day and send a big thank you to all those who support us.
      And we take this opportunity to tell all those who have not yet discovered castleLock that this new expansion is waiting for them.

    • #320481
      Dungeons Factory

      For all those who wish to know more about the contents and the innovations of our first level of engagement, we invite you to visit our official site.
      You will discover the rest of our special feature The Lost Corridors on Kickstarter.
      This one is dedicated to Dungeons & Barrels, the basic pack.
      Basic, but not basic, you will see!
      And if you think you have already seen everything on our project page, we are announcing some surprises and novelties that will occur during the campaign.
      Do not hesitate to visit us and send us your opinions, we are present on Facebook and everywhere on other social networks.

      By the time we finish this part of the file, it seems that the first Stretch is indeed unlocked.
      We thank all the participants for this great success.

      • This reply was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by Dungeons Factory.
    • #320483
      Dungeons Factory

      For all those who wish to know more about the contents and the innovations of our first level of engagement, we invite you to visit our official site.
      You will discover the rest of our special feature The Lost Corridors on Kickstarter.
      This one is dedicated to Dungeons & Barrels, the basic pack.
      Basic, but not basic, you will see!
      And if you think you have already seen everything on our project page, we are announcing some surprises and novelties that will occur during the campaign.
      Do not hesitate to visit us and send us your opinions, we are present on Facebook and everywhere on other social networks.

      By the time we finish this part of the file, it seems that the first Stretch is indeed unlocked.
      We thank all the participants for this great success.

    • #320925
      Dungeons Factory

      Hello to you.

      On this seventh day of The Lost Corridors – CastleLock presence on Kickstarter, we take stock of the state of our project to give you some new information.

      The extension of The Lost Corridors, 3d decor tiles to print, continues its path and evolves at a very good pace.
      We are happy and touched by the confidence and support of the participants and if the project is going well, it is mainly thanks to them and to the sites which relay us.

      This is why we continue to communicate as regularly as possible on the forums, social networks and on our official website.

      So, here we are exactly 7 days after the launch of our creation and our work schedule is up to date.

      As we watched with joy the release of the first Stretch Goal, we have prepared some additional tiles in order to enrich the offer of this somewhat special but apparently eagerly awaited Set of the players.

      Of course, we will know the outcome of this crowdfunding on January 31, but we have already almost finalized the tiles for the second Stretch Goal.
      This one also fell this last week and some images are already available in the news of the project page.
      We are also devoting a special file to the levels of the CastleLock offer on our site.

      From Monday, we will begin the second week of this great adventure.

      We again thank the participants for their support, but also this site on which we have been communicating on this subject for over a month.
      Thank you for helping us to bring the project to life on your pages.

      We wish you a pleasant week and while waiting for more news, the adventure continues.

    • #318515
      Dungeons Factory

      CastleLock extension

      Hello to all.
      We are very happy to announce the launch of the pre-launch page of our new project.
      From January 1, 2022, CastleLock, the expansion for our 3d printable adventure game sets, will be open to crowdfunding on Kickstarter.
      While waiting for it to start, you can discover it here:

      Certainly, like all pre-launch pages, you will only find a brief summary here.
      We invite you to visit our official website (, our instagram ( and our facebook page (https: //www.facebook. com / DungeonsFactory) for more information. You will already find many photos there and throughout the preparatory phase, we will try to present this future extension to you in more detail.

      But right now, we’re not hiding it from you (and it’s the goblin’s favorite game), we need you.

      If you like role-playing accessories and decorations for your miniatures and if you have a means of 3d printing, we look forward to seeing you on January 1, 2022.

      But even if you don’t support the project financially, you would give it a Giant-sized boost just by clicking on the “Notify me of launch” button accessible on the pre-launch page.
      This simple gesture does not commit you but makes our visibility greater and it will be an invaluable reward for us.

      So, thank you in advance for your interest in this new project.
      We’ve worked hard to bring you a great new Dungeons Factory adventure.
      Wishing you an excellent holiday season, kisses from Gnomes to you and may the adventure continue.

    • #318516
      Dungeons Factory


      Hello to all.
      We are very happy to announce the launch of the pre-launch page of our new project.
      From January 1, 2022, CastleLock, the expansion for our 3d printable adventure game sets, will be open to crowdfunding on Kickstarter.
      While waiting for it to start, you can discover it here:

      Certainly, like all pre-launch pages, you will only find a brief summary here.
      We invite you to visit our official website (, our instagram ( and our facebook page (https: //www.facebook. com / DungeonsFactory) for more information. You will already find many photos there and throughout the preparatory phase, we will try to present this future extension to you in more detail.

      But right now, we’re not hiding it from you (and it’s the goblin’s favorite game), we need you.

      If you like role-playing accessories and decorations for your miniatures and if you have a means of 3d printing, we look forward to seeing you on January 1, 2022.

      But even if you don’t support the project financially, you would give it a Giant-sized boost just by clicking on the “Notify me of launch” button accessible on the pre-launch page.
      This simple gesture does not commit you but makes our visibility greater and it will be an invaluable reward for us.

      So, thank you in advance for your interest in this new project.
      We’ve worked hard to bring you a great new Dungeons Factory adventure.
      Wishing you an excellent holiday season, kisses from Gnomes to you and may the adventure continue.

    • #318517
      Dungeons Factory

      Hello to all.
      We are very happy to announce the launch of the pre-launch page of our new project.
      From January 1, 2022, CastleLock, the expansion for our 3d printable adventure game sets, will be open to crowdfunding on Kickstarter.
      While waiting for it to start, you can discover it here:

      Certainly, like all pre-launch pages, you will only find a brief summary here.
      We invite you to visit our official website (, our instagram ( and our facebook page (https: //www.facebook. com / DungeonsFactory) for more information. You will already find many photos there and throughout the preparatory phase, we will try to present this future extension to you in more detail.

      But right now, we’re not hiding it from you (and it’s the goblin’s favorite game), we need you.

      If you like role-playing accessories and decorations for your miniatures and if you have a means of 3d printing, we look forward to seeing you on January 1, 2022.

      But even if you don’t support the project financially, you would give it a Giant-sized boost just by clicking on the “Notify me of launch” button accessible on the pre-launch page.
      This simple gesture does not commit you but makes our visibility greater and it will be an invaluable reward for us.

      So, thank you in advance for your interest in this new project.
      We’ve worked hard to bring you a great new Dungeons Factory adventure.
      Wishing you an excellent holiday season, kisses from Gnomes to you and may the adventure continue.

    • #318567
      Dungeons Factory

      Hello to all.
      We are very happy to announce the launch of the pre-launch page of our new project.
      From January 1, 2022, CastleLock, the expansion for our 3d printable adventure game sets, will be open to crowdfunding on Kickstarter.
      While waiting for it to start, you can discover it here:

      Certainly, like all pre-launch pages, you will only find a brief summary here.
      We invite you to visit our official website (, our instagram ( and our facebook page (https: //www.facebook. com / DungeonsFactory) for more information. You will already find many photos there and throughout the preparatory phase, we will try to present this future extension to you in more detail.

      But right now, we’re not hiding it from you (and it’s the goblin’s favorite game), we need you.

      If you like role-playing accessories and decorations for your miniatures and if you have a means of 3d printing, we look forward to seeing you on January 1, 2022.

      But even if you don’t support the project financially, you would give it a Giant-sized boost just by clicking on the “Notify me of launch” button accessible on the pre-launch page.
      This simple gesture does not commit you but makes our visibility greater and it will be an invaluable reward for us.

      So, thank you in advance for your interest in this new project.
      We’ve worked hard to bring you a great new Dungeons Factory adventure.
      Wishing you an excellent holiday season, kisses from Gnomes to you and may the adventure continue.

    • #318912
      Dungeons Factory

      It’s now official, The Lost Corridors CastleLock will launch on the crowdfunding platform Kickstarter on Saturday, January 1, 2022.

      In order to better present the content of this extension, we will detail it today through several special folders that you will find every week on our official website.

      Each case will lift the veil on many details of the offers offered in the CastleLock Kickstarter.

      In addition, the pre-launch page of the CastleLock project is already accessible at this address:

      and if you want to help us get more visibility without even committing, you can click on the little green “notify me of launch” button.

      We will be eternally grateful.

      See you soon for more information and in the meantime, let the adventure continue!

    • #318570
      Dungeons Factory


      Hello to all.
      We are very happy to announce the launch of the pre-launch page of our new project.
      From January 1, 2022, CastleLock, the expansion for our 3d printable adventure game sets, will be open to crowdfunding on Kickstarter.
      While waiting for it to start, you can discover it here:

      Certainly, like all pre-launch pages, you will only find a brief summary here.
      We invite you to visit our official website (, our instagram ( and our facebook page (https: //www.facebook. com / DungeonsFactory) for more information. You will already find many photos there and throughout the preparatory phase, we will try to present this future extension to you in more detail.

      But right now, we’re not hiding it from you (and it’s the goblin’s favorite game), we need you.

      If you like role-playing accessories and decorations for your miniatures and if you have a means of 3d printing, we look forward to seeing you on January 1, 2022.

      But even if you don’t support the project financially, you would give it a Giant-sized boost just by clicking on the “Notify me of launch” button accessible on the pre-launch page.
      This simple gesture does not commit you but makes our visibility greater and it will be an invaluable reward for us.

      So, thank you in advance for your interest in this new project.
      We’ve worked hard to bring you a great new Dungeons Factory adventure.
      Wishing you an excellent holiday season, kisses from Gnomes to you and may the adventure continue.
      Modify message

    • #318913
      Dungeons Factory

      It’s now official, The Lost Corridors CastleLock will launch on the crowdfunding platform Kickstarter on Saturday, January 1, 2022.

      In order to better present the content of this extension, we will detail it today through several special folders that you will find every week on our official website.

      Each case will lift the veil on many details of the offers offered in the CastleLock Kickstarter.

      In addition, the pre-launch page of the CastleLock project is already accessible at this address:

      and if you want to help us get more visibility without even committing, you can click on the little green “notify me of launch” button.

      We will be eternally grateful.

      See you soon for more information and in the meantime, let the adventure continue!

    • #318920
      Dungeons Factory

      It’s now official, The Lost Corridors CastleLock will launch on the crowdfunding platform Kickstarter on Saturday, January 1, 2022.

      In order to better present the content of this extension, we will detail it today through several special folders that you will find every week on our official website.

      Each case will lift the veil on many details of the offers offered in the CastleLock Kickstarter.

      In addition, the pre-launch page of the CastleLock project is already accessible at this address:
      and if you want to help us get more visibility without even committing, you can click on the little green “notify me of launch” button.

      We will be eternally grateful.

      See you soon for more information and in the meantime, let the adventure continue!

    • #319854
      Dungeons Factory

      Hello there!
      Want to learn more about the CastleLock expansion?
      A special file on our 3d printable dungeon tiles for role-playing games, miniature games and board games opens on our official website.

      But as of today, you can see the announcement on YouTube:

    • #320186
      Dungeons Factory

      lets go

      The Troll, the Gnomes, and the rest of the team wish their new creation good luck:
      The Lost Corridors Castlelock.

      Go to the project

      We are counting on you to support us, as you wish or as you can.
      Make some noise, warn the prankster goblins or get involved in this new adventure in the Dungeons Factory.
      And above all, we wish you a very happy new year.

    • #320480
      Dungeons Factory

      For all those who wish to know more about the contents and the innovations of our first level of engagement, we invite you to visit our official site.
      You will discover the rest of our special feature The Lost Corridors on Kickstarter.
      This one is dedicated to Dungeons & Barrels, the basic pack.
      Basic, but not basic, you will see!
      And if you think you have already seen everything on our project page, we are announcing some surprises and novelties that will occur during the campaign.
      Do not hesitate to visit us and send us your opinions, we are present on Facebook and everywhere on other social networks.

      By the time we finish this part of the file, it seems that the first Stretch is indeed unlocked.
      We thank all the participants for this great success.

    • #321919
      Dungeons Factory

      Hello, hello!
      All the info about the major update of our project is on:
      Readable from the “News” tab.
      Learn all about the new tiles, upgrades and bonuses of The Lost Corridors – Castlelock.

    • #322138
      Dungeons Factory

      The 3rd chapter of the “CastleLock” file is online on our site. To know everything about “Locks & Doors”, second level of our new creation, currently on Kickstarter.

    • #322932
      Dungeons Factory

      Good evening to you.
      In just a few weeks, Castlelock fundraisers will print their first tiles.
      They will then be able to start building their sets.
      To guide those who are starting out and provide a little inspiration to all builders, we have published a small document to download for free on our site:


      This first example offers an overview of all that can already be done with only the tiles of the base pack.
      Imagine all that the other levels and the 160 tiles of our new extension will allow.

    • #322931
      Dungeons Factory


      Good evening to you.
      In just a few weeks, Castlelock fundraisers will print their first tiles.
      They will then be able to start building their sets.
      To guide those who are starting out and provide a little inspiration to all builders, we have published a small document to download for free on our site:


      This first example offers an overview of all that can already be done with only the tiles of the base pack.
      Imagine all that the other levels and the 160 tiles of our new extension will allow.

    • #323408
      Dungeons Factory


      we are less than 48 hours from the end of our project: The Lost Corridors CastleLock… and we have had a great time.

      But things are going fast and it’s true that we haven’t had time to see the days go by.
      Some of you no doubt too, and quite a few subscribers who signed up for the pre-launch.

      That’s why we’re coming back to you, two days before project funding closes, to let you know that we’ve added information about additions and bonuses to our new collection to the project page.

      CastleLock is now a rich and diversified extension, both complementary to our first set of 3d decors to print but also perfectly usable alone for your games with figurines and tabletop role-playing games.

      We hope you enjoy these improvements.

      So, we dare to ask you again to make noise like Trolls, warn the Gnomes and tell all the sprites around you.

      Another big thank you to the participants who have supported us so far and don’t forget:
      the adventure continues until the morning of Monday January 31st.

      the Project page

    • #323568
      Dungeons Factory

      thank u

      Hello to all.
      Our crowdfunding campaign for The Lost Corridors – CastleLock, our role-playing miniatures sets, is now over and quite successful.
      We are very happy because the confidence of all the participants is a great victory for our small team in the South of France.

      We would like to thank them for supporting us during this campaign.

      Thanks to them, this project was able to be completed and they will finally be able to discover their pack, at home, under their 3d printers and their brushes.

      We would also like to thank you on this forum for hosting our announcements for the past few weeks.

      We would like to tell you that we will be able to breathe a little, but in reality, we will be back very soon.
      A new collection of Steampunk-sf decor tiles is already in production and we are finalizing for this fall, no doubt, our new project for 2022, a complete game.
      This one, powered by original rules made in Dungeons Factory, will allow you to play the basic rules with our dungeon tiles and the advanced rules like a role-playing game, with Game Master, screen, pizzas and all the necessary jets of dice.

      But anyway, we will keep you informed throughout this Post-funding period.
      See you soon and a big thank you to everyone (and to you, of course).

      • This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by Dungeons Factory.
    • #323488
      Dungeons Factory

      We have just put online the new chapter of our file dedicated to the Set “The Upstairs Room”.

      With this chapter, the presentation of CastleLock ends.
      We took real pleasure in compiling this file around our new project and it was important for us to present this achievement to you in the best possible way and above all the state of mind in which it was designed.

      We hope you will like our creations and that seems to be the case as we live in the last days of crowdfunding for the project.

      We still send a big thank you to all those who support us and don’t forget, for us and all of you…
      the adventure continues (but must hurry) on:

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