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Gothic cathedral problem?

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    • #254217

      Hi , I have a problem with the design picture for the third floor/roof of the gothic cathedral. I have printed the exact parts required but I don’t seem to
      get them to lock together as in the picture. Is there a design flaw or is it only me having this issue? As you can see on my picture the whole wall and the 3 D-wall tiles
      dont lock together with the rest of the floor? I’m close to giving up and gluing the whole thing..

    • #254319
      Nicholas Jebson

      Ahh no I’m seeing it now, I am fast tracking the D and Q floors to get updated as you are right there is no physical way to anchor those sections shown with OpenLOCK pins. Thankyou for bringing this to our attention.

      • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by Nicholas Jebson.
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