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Flat pack streets!

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    • #140967

      After looking at the Waterdeep Dragon Heist module, I was thinking how difficult it would be to print out an entire city to play the campaign through, not to mention impossible to move that much plastic around.
      It’s probably not a great idea but I thought I’d mention it anyway – that is, to print out flat laneways, similar to the backdrop and props they use in theatre productions and plays. They could be stacked for easy transport, they have all the detail you need to provide immersion and easier to print.
      Have I explained that clearly? What do you think?

    • #141905
      Mike Melander

      Not sure what you mean as far as simple laneways. There are so many interconnectable tiles available that I use for just laying out streets and the interconnection and laying them flat that are available from this site and I have developed my own. You can have the feel of the city without having to have all the buildings and other scenery. Combining existing flat tiles into longer tiles is also very easy too do as well. Couple of seconds in a ton of free software and done.

      Here is a link on this site for purchasing roads. I am not a moderator or connected to printable scenery. Not sure how these don’t meet your needs. I strongly recommend the first link shown. They are very affordable and easy to put together for large roads.

      OpenLOCK Hex Layout Roads

      Roads and Telegraph poles

      Here are some that I have developed with and without openlock. These without openlock are pretty quick to print. Of course, there are many others on the web. Including a few more that I have developed.

      • #142790
        Timothy Reese

        I believe what the OP is suggesting is an entirely different sort of terrain. It’d be an entirely unique offering from PS, but I like it so I’ll jump in to try to take up his case.

        What he’s referring to isn’t 3D terrain that sits on the table horizontally, but rather stylized 3D renderings that stand vertically and give the impression of depth. So instead of printing a bunch of streets and buildings, you’d have 3D tiles that print flat, but stand vertically like a theater backdrop. It’s the same idea as a matte painting, but updated to be printable. One could be the backwall of a tavern, one could be a country lane, one could be a medieval corridor, etc.

        I honestly think this idea is fantastic. There are so many use cases for this, even from a super primitive thing like cave walls. Instead of printing for 30+ hours to get enough cave walls that stack 6-8″ in height to create a backdrop, you could just print two cave backdrop mattes that provide the sense of depth.

    • #142847

      Timothy, that is EXACTLY what I mean!
      Thank you for speaking warforge.

      • #142906
        Mike Melander

        Okay, I get it, but I don’t understand why you would need 3D printed scenery in this case. You are giving the illusion of depth while doing a flat panel. To me how is this better than doing a picture on a flat piece of printed plastic that has a stand? You could put a little bit of work into some shapes on the design to give it some depth, but printing one backdrop with a building as one piece is only a matter of seconds compared to stackable tiles. I guess I am not totally convinced this is that valuable. Not being demeaning, just not all that eager for something I can hand make in a matter of minutes. Hmm maybe the back of a castle as stand up. I am going to give this a little more thought.

    • #142961

      Looks like it already exists! Something like this:

      • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by Warforge.
    • #143127
      Timothy Reese

      Yes! This, only 3D printable. And it could be so much more detailed than this too, you could have multiple thin layers that allow it to look like an alleyway, or a chasm, or the edge of a cliff. I would back a KS for this sort of file so fast.

    • #143134

      It does have potential, but I’m not sure how that type of setup would handle things like players leaving the area you’ve put together, or your players not sitting directly in front of the thing, also if you had it setup so you had walls on all four sides you would probably have to stand or have a very low table to be able to see down in to the playing space. Would be good for showing the inside of a room like a bar or something though.

      • #143345
        Mike Melander

        You know those look pretty easy to make using my existing home designs that I haven’t shared on Thingiverse. I will slice and dice and paste to openLOCK bases and see what I can do fairly quickly. Biggest time delay will be printing it after this 15 hour print job I just started gets done.

      • #143357
        Mike Melander

        So I took a couple of my designs and using the openLOCK base merged with my designs for builds, I created this fascade that I will be posting to Thingiverse. There is also a press in post to the square in the middle that will have a sign that you can paint or paste whatever you want it to be. I also added a sidewalk based on my previous designs as well. It just seemed nicer when I did this. I won’t post this until I get it printed and painted. If you want an early print just message me at melabam on Thingiverse and I may send it to you early if you promise to post a picture once I get it on Thingiverse.

    • #143349

      If you’re looking for the .stl files for types of facades then Hero’s Hoard has them. .

    • #143526

      That looks pretty cool, would love to see more

    • #145290
      Mike Melander

      Well since you said you would like to see more I did one more.

    • #145532

      Nice, are these you’re finished designs?

    • #145544
      Mike Melander

      Yes. The Thingiverse links were provided.

    • #203874

      Terrace Shopfronts


      FKN YES

      So pumped about printing this set once I resurrect the prusa.

      Thank you, and love it!

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