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Costs for resin printing

  • Author
    • #136921

      Does anyone have any experience on what it costs to print in resin?
      I have seen the Black Ship printed in resin and it looks amazing but what would that cost?
      has anyone done this?

    • #137241

      I’m interested in knowing more about this too.

    • #138959

      on the anycubic photon, it’s about 60$ for a liter of resin, then about 70ml per vat, which would print about 12 player mini;s

      The biggest issues (besides cost) is likely size as most affordable resin printers have pretty small beds, You could probably print two or four= 4 inch terrain floor tile per vat I am estimating…

      Sorry its not very exact in answering the question as I have not printed tiles before…..

    • #139019

      The biggest issue is finding a printer with a decent build volume. Most of the cheaper printers have a sub-100mm Y axis size (e.g Anycubic Photon will only do 65mm),
      The cheapest, at least 100x100x100mm build-volume printer I could find was the Peopoly Moai for $1300.

    • #140131
      Matt Barker

      As a rule of thumb, the resin printing is about 10 x the cost per pound compared to printing with PLA.

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