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Blood Bowl field

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    • #152686

      After 20 years of inactivity we decided to play Blood Bowl in a legue again. So I needed a field for my famours dwarven team, the Khuzdul Fourty Miners, to challenge their victims. The old Miners Cave is not state of the art anymore (too big, too heavy, too old etc.). Because we need 34 mm per square, I took the rough stone floor, the small stone floor and the dwarven floor and rescaled them to 133.8 % to fit the 34mm square size. At 35 mm, like the famous fantasy football field from printablesceenery, the range ruler for throwing will not fit. The field is not quite ready yet, but playable. Some details are missing. Everythings, you can see on the fotos, which is not from PS, I got from Thingiverse. I found the advertising in the internet.
      Yesterday the Grudge arene came out and I will see how to integrate them to the field.

      • This topic was modified 5 years ago by Zip.
      • This topic was modified 5 years ago by Zip.
    • #152865

      That looks awesome. I can’t wait to see the Grudge Arena stadium pieces added.

      Fantasy Football Pitch

      Grudge Arena

    • #185116

      Don’t know where to post my question.
      Do you think you could add some element to your beautifull pitch to make it compatible with Blitz bowl ? I think it just miss the scoring elements no ?
      all the best

    • #185147

      For Blitzbowl, just find the overall dimensions and print a smaller field. All of the pieces should fit, just fine as it’s modular.

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