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Bastion Turret Corner in Terrain Tinker

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    • #321071
      Tony Crawford

      So I was looking at the Terrain Tinker kickstarter page and scrolled down until I came to a goal that was unlocked at 84k. They call it “Color Columns, Buttresses, Castle Arches, & Bastion Turret Corner”. It has a picture of a bastion turret on a corner buttress Open Lock piece.

      I’ve done a search of this website for it but cannot find this piece anywhere. I’ve also searched my Terrain Tinker for it and cannot find it anywhere. Can someone please tell me what set this Bastion Turret Corner is from?

      • This topic was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by Tony Crawford.
    • #321095
      Tony Crawford

      this is the piece I saw on the Terrain Tinker Kickstarter page.

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