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Reply To: [Kickstarter] CastleLock – The extension for The Lost Corridors

Home Forums OpenLOCK Creators and Designers [Kickstarter] CastleLock – The extension for The Lost Corridors Reply To: [Kickstarter] CastleLock – The extension for The Lost Corridors

Dungeons Factory

CastleLock extension

Hello to all.
We are very happy to announce the launch of the pre-launch page of our new project.
From January 1, 2022, CastleLock, the expansion for our 3d printable adventure game sets, will be open to crowdfunding on Kickstarter.
While waiting for it to start, you can discover it here:

Certainly, like all pre-launch pages, you will only find a brief summary here.
We invite you to visit our official website (, our instagram ( and our facebook page (https: //www.facebook. com / DungeonsFactory) for more information. You will already find many photos there and throughout the preparatory phase, we will try to present this future extension to you in more detail.

But right now, we’re not hiding it from you (and it’s the goblin’s favorite game), we need you.

If you like role-playing accessories and decorations for your miniatures and if you have a means of 3d printing, we look forward to seeing you on January 1, 2022.

But even if you don’t support the project financially, you would give it a Giant-sized boost just by clicking on the “Notify me of launch” button accessible on the pre-launch page.
This simple gesture does not commit you but makes our visibility greater and it will be an invaluable reward for us.

So, thank you in advance for your interest in this new project.
We’ve worked hard to bring you a great new Dungeons Factory adventure.
Wishing you an excellent holiday season, kisses from Gnomes to you and may the adventure continue.

©2024 Printable Scenery. Website by Vienna & Bailey