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Reply To: Trollskull Manor & Inn

Home Forums 3D printed terrain for Dungeon Masters Trollskull Manor & Inn Reply To: Trollskull Manor & Inn


So I am currently building this now. I have levels 1 – 4 completed and just started on the roof. I can say I found discrepancies in the instructions I had to work around but I couldn’t have made it with out them so thank you! For level 3 I removed one door as I didn’t feel it was needed, I had to mirror two #25 roof end caps and for two I had to sand a bevel for them to join up tightly against the spire.

I just started on the roof and I do wish there was a mashup in the Manor Inn for the roof. There is a lot of extra material by just using the modular pieces will get added. I’m not sure for how many parts I will do this for but the cap of the spire I joined the 4 pieces in tinkercad and hollowed. I’ll add images for it. I’ll update the post as I progress. It is really massive. It has a footprint of 22″ by 18″ and a height (without roof) of 8 1/4 in. I really want to make a DnD type Clue game to run instead it when done 🙂

I can only add 4 images per post (based on size) , so there will be a follow up post with 4 more images to show levels.

  • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by mrsethhanson.
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